The service opportunities and resources presented below are designed to help students as they live out our school motto, 进来是为了学习,出去是为了服务. Supportive parents will also find many of their questions about the service requirement answered here.



St. 卢克的孩子们不一样. 他们连接, 他们关心, 他们的工作, 他们似乎渴望学习, 最重要的是, 以每一种可以想象的方式, 他们对我们的孩子表现出最大的尊重."




服务的基本要求很简单: 上学校 students must complete at least 20 service hours per year and one service reflection (written essay) by spring break of their senior year. 有关更多信息,请参阅下面的常见问题解答. If you have an additional question that’s not answered here, please email Kate Parker-Burgard ( 我们总是很乐意帮忙.


  • 我需要在高中完成多少小时的社区服务?

    • Every 上学校 student is required to complete twenty hours of community service per high school year. These hours accumulate over the years to reach the total required for graduation (so if a student earns more than 20 hours in a year, 超出的工作时数将适用于下一年。). 
    • In order to receive senior privileges (car on campus and permission to go off campus during the school day) students must have fewer than 20 hours remaining as they enter their senior year. 
    • 另外, all students must complete ONE reflection over the course of their high school years on a service experience that they have had. 详细信息可在此服务资源页面下方找到. 
    • 学生可能在完成学业后就开始获得学时th 年级.
  • 什么样的社区服务“算!?”

    • 在任何非营利组织(St .以外)工作的所有时间都没有报酬. 卢克学派)也算. 
    • Any paid work, whether or not it is for a nonprofit, may NOT be applied toward this requirement.  
    • 任何与营利组织或圣. 卢克的可能不适用于这个要求. 
  • 如何访问MobileServe应用程序?

    • 你可以去MobileServe.或在手机上下载MobileServe应用程序.
    • 使用您的SLS电子邮件地址通过谷歌登录.
  • 我需要怎样记录我的工作时间? 

    • 当你记录你的工作时间, 该应用程序会要求你填写有关工作时数的信息, 你做了什么, 还有你导师的姓名和电子邮件地址. 您也可以让主管在您的手机上签署验证, 如果主管没有回复邮件验证,这是可选的,但很有用.
    • The supervisor must be the person from the organization who oversaw your work at the site. Please do not put in the name of a teacher or parent unless they were directly involved in the activity. 
    • Give your supervisor the heads up that they're going to be receiving a verification email from MobileServe. 这将促使他们核实你的工作,然后你的工作时间将被记录下来. 
  • 我如何了解志愿者工作?

    • 经常会有全校的社区服务活动,你可以从中赚取时间.
    • 与当地组织联系:娱乐部门, 库, 紧急医疗服务, 消防部门都很受我们学生的欢迎. 一些学生还通过他们的宗教组织做志愿者工作, 童子军, 或全国慈善联盟.
    • 这个页面有很多关于志愿者工作的建议. 除了当前机会的旋转木马在页面的顶部, 请向下滚动到正在进行的机会获取更多想法.
    • 请与李小姐约个时间见面. Parker-Burgard in the bet356app在线登录 to meet with her and discuss your particular interests.
  • 我是否需要与特定的组织合作?

    • No, students are encouraged to use their passions and interests to find things that are meaningful.  学生可以选择在一个组织中完成所有的学习时间, 或者把时间分散在不同的项目上. 
  • 那我在圣. 卢克的学校?

    On-campus service is a meaningful way to support the school community and can help build a strong leadership resume. A central part of the service requirement is intended to get students to engage with nonprofits beyond the school community, w我们不允许为服务圣徒的志愿工作安排服务时间. 卢克的学校. The only exception to this rule is if the on-campus activity directly benefits a nonprofit, such as volunteering at the Special Olympics basketball tournament or a large on-campus fundraising activity for a nonprofit organization.
  • 关于服务反射,我需要知道些什么?

    Students are required to devote 20 hours of their service to a single cause or organization. 例如, 他们可以在一个无家可归者收容所做20个小时的志愿者, or they can distribute 20 hours of service among different organizations that help people who are housing insecure. 这种体验将成为他们服务反映的一部分, which is due anytime before Spring Break of senior year (it can be done as early as freshman year if the student has done the 20 hours). See the 社区服务反映要求 link in the 有用的文档和视频 section below for more details on the writing.
  • 高中反思和每小时服务要求的目的是什么? 

    这一要求有助于学生养成走出社区的习惯. 通过与非营利组织合作, students explore their leadership strengths and start to develop empathy for people who have different experiences. 
  • 我应该在完成需求数小时后继续编写文档吗?

    • 是的, but once you’ve met the requirement you may put in the Director of the bet356app在线登录 as your supervisor. 没有必要让一个外部的监督者在上面签字.
  • 为什么我要在完成需求数小时后继续编写文档?

    • 如果我们知道你在做什么, you can be a resource for other students as they look for volunteer opportunities in certain fields.
    • Students find it helpful to have hours recorded as it becomes a resource for them when applying for summer jobs, 奖学金和大学.
    • 我们真的很想知道我们的学生在社区里做什么. 它给了我们一个更完整的画面,学生和服务的圣. 卢克的学校.
  • 中学怎么样?? 他们需要记录工作时间吗? 

    No. 在我们中学, students will be introduced to a variety of ways to serve both through curricular units in class as well as optional after-school opportunities. We're happy to support the individual service interests and efforts of our middle school students, 但是记录规定时间的责任要到九年级才开始. 


St. 路加学派是一个世俗(非宗教), 新迦南的私立学校, 5至12年级的CT服务于康涅狄格州和纽约州的30多个城镇. Our exceptional academics and diverse co-educational community foster students’ intellectual and ethical development and prepare them for top colleges. St. 卢克的bet356app在线登录建立了服务的承诺和领导的信心.